Your secret to winning? Customer experience.

Manage client interactions, collect feedback, deliver great customer experience - all from one, easy-to-use platform.

Your secret to winning? Customer experience.

Answer questions and engage with your website visitors with Webchat. Let our chatbot help you answer standard questions automatically. Use Automated Sales Machine (ASM) messaging to sell more cars than your competitors by responding to queries in real-time.


More reviews = more customers

It’s simple: more reviews mean more cars sold. Automated Sales Machine (ASM) automatically sends review requests via email and text the minute your customer drives off the lot.


Use text to stay in touch

with clients

Engage with your clients on the channel they

prefer - text. Send texts for new deals, updated inventory, sales and specials, and much more!

Attach documents like new car listing spec sheets and images!


Score new customers

through Referrals

Get more customers by having your existing customers sending you referrals regularly. Make your best customers your best sales people...instantly!


Turn your website visitors into sales

Using our webchat functionality, your customers can engage with you while visiting your site and won't even know that they're talking to an AI bot!

This enhances the experience and streamlines your sales process tremendously!


Engage and convert at the start of the customer journey

Create beautiful, easily-found custom pages for every location, each updated in moments through one API. Let customers search by zip code to find the nearest dealership.

Here's how dealerships are collecting customer

feedback with Rankingtor.

Easily Integrates With Leading Apps

Begin Your Transformation Today!

Request a Free Consultation to Learn How We Can Help Grow Your Business

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