To win in today's hyper-connected, digitally distracted world...

You Need to Achieve Omnipresence!

Omnipresence (noun) -
The quality of being omnipresent; presence in all places simultaneously; unbounded or universal presence

Unleash the Power of Video Content:

Why Every Business Needs a Strong Online Presence

Welcome to the threshold of transformation! In the ever-evolving digital landscape, it's imperative for every business, including yours, to dominate their corner of the internet. And in this era, the most potent weapon in your digital arsenal is undoubtedly video content.

Why Video?

Because the World Watches!

Let’s face it - we are living in a video-first world. Video content is no longer just a part of your marketing strategy; it's central to your outreach and campaign efforts.

  • Brand Recognition: Video boosts your brand's visibility. A well-crafted video can convey your brand's message and personality more effectively than any other medium.

  • Customer Engagement: Videos are engaging. They can tell a story about your product or service in a way that captures attention and drives customer action.

  • Content Consumption Trends: People are consuming more video content than ever. It's fast becoming the preferred way to consume information - be it on social media, websites, or email campaigns.

  • Speed and Efficiency: Video allows you to communicate complex ideas quickly, providing a speedy way to connect with your audience.

The Pain of Video Production:

A Dozen Obstacles to Navigate

Lighting and Visual Appeal

Getting the lighting right is crucial. Poor lighting can ruin even the most well-thought-out video.

Crisp Audio

Bad audio can be a deal-breaker. Ensuring clear and crisp sound is a technical challenge.

Content Creation

Deciding what to say and how to say it engagingly is a creative hurdle.

Length and Engagement

Determining the optimal video length to keep your audience engaged is a delicate balance.

Editing Woes

The post-production process - editing, cutting, clipping, and trimming - requires technical skills and a significant time investment.

SEO Implementation

Turning your video into a search engine-optimized blog post is a whole other challenge.

Email Content Creation

Crafting email content from video transcripts requires a different skill set.

Social Media Adaptation

Adapting your video content for different social media platforms is time-consuming and requires strategic thinking.

Proofreading and Editing

Ensuring your blogs and emails are error-free demands attention to detail.

Scheduling and Posting

Timing your content release on various platforms requires meticulous planning.

Consistency and Quality

Maintaining a regular posting schedule without compromising on quality is tough.

Brand Voice and Message

Ensuring that all your content aligns with your brand voice and message is critical.

Digital Evolution Marketing Group:

Your Solution to Video Content Creation

Now, imagine if you didn’t have to worry about any of these challenges.

What if you could produce engaging, high-quality video content with minimal effort on your part?

That's where Digital Evolution Marketing Group (DEMG) comes in.

What You Really Need

The fact is that creating content is a drag. It takes forever, and if you are using video as your starting point, you need to become a pro at all aspects of video, including recording, editing, publishing, and posting...not to mention all the different ways of turning that video into useful, searchable content.

  • Professional Video Production: We help you create a 20-30 minute informative video without the hassle of doing it all yourself.

  • Post-Production Mastery: Our team handles all post-production and editing, ensuring your video reflects your brand and voice perfectly.

  • Content Multiplication: We transform your video into multiple forms of content - SEO blogs, emails, social media posts - ensuring your message resonates across all platforms.

  • Time Efficiency: All of this requires just 30-60 minutes of your time each week, or less.

The Transformation:

From Obscure to Omnipresent

  • Save countless hours on content creation.

  • Establish yourself as a thought leader in your space.

  • Attract customers who find you online and are eager to do business with you.

  • Become the go-to expert in your field, leaving competitors baffled and behind.

  • Transition from being the industry's best-kept secret to its most sought-after leader.

  • Enjoy the benefits of an omnipresent marketing machine working tirelessly for you.

Beyond Videos: Building Your Tribe

But we don’t stop there. DEMG also helps you turn your incredible videos into podcasts and video commercials, amplifying your reach and driving more traffic to your business.

Take Action Now!

The digital world waits for no one. Every moment you’re not leveraging the power of video content, you’re missing out on valuable opportunities to connect with your audience and grow your business.

Don't let the complexities of video content creation hold you back. Let Digital Evolution Marketing Group be the catalyst for your digital transformation.

Schedule a consultation with our team today and embark on the journey to dominate your corner of the internet.

Why not do it yourself?

Creating video content is akin to navigating a labyrinth; one wrong turn, and you're lost in a maze of complications. Let's explore further the multitude of challenges that businesses face during the video creation process.

Technical Expertise: The technical side of video production is a minefield.

From selecting the right camera to understanding framing and composition, each step requires specialized knowledge.

Without this expertise, your videos may look amateurish, drastically reducing their impact.

At DEMG, we understand that technical expertise in video production is daunting for many. That's why we have a team of skilled professionals who handle everything from camera selection to the intricacies of framing and composition.

Our expertise ensures your videos have a professional look and feel, eliminating the need for you to delve into the technical complexities.

Scriptwriting Struggles

Crafting a compelling script is an art. A poorly written script can lead to a disjointed video that fails to convey your message effectively.

This process demands not only creativity but also an understanding of your audience's pain points and preferences.

Scriptwriting Made Easy!

Crafting the perfect script can be a herculean task, but not with DEMG. Our team of creative writers excels in understanding your brand voice and audience's needs.

We develop compelling scripts that resonate with your audience, ensuring your message is delivered effectively and engagingly, without you having to struggle with the nuances of scriptwriting.

Resource Allocation

Video production is resource-intensive. It demands time, money, and manpower - resources that could be better utilized in other areas of your business. Allocating these resources without assurance of return on investment is a significant risk.

Resource Allocation Efficiency

Video production can consume significant resources. DEMG optimizes this by efficiently managing the entire process. We ensure your investment in video content yields the highest returns, freeing up your resources for other vital aspects of your business.

With us, resource allocation becomes an investment, not a gamble.

Keeping Up with Trends

The digital world is ever-evolving, and so are video trends. What works today might be obsolete tomorrow.

Staying abreast of these changes and continually adapting your strategy can be exhausting and time-consuming.

Staying Ahead of Trends

The digital landscape is ever-changing, and keeping up can be overwhelming. Our team at DEMG stays on top of current trends and adapts your video content accordingly.

We ensure your content is always fresh, relevant, and engaging, saving you the hassle of constantly monitoring and adjusting to the latest trends.

Consistent Quality Maintenance

Ensuring a consistent level of quality across all your videos is challenging.

A single subpar video can harm your brand's reputation built over time.

Maintaining a high-quality standard across all videos is crucial for your brand image. Our experts at DEMG ensure consistency in quality, style, and messaging in every video we produce for you.

You can rest assured that each piece of content reflects the high standards of your brand.

Audience Engagement

Keeping your audience engaged throughout the video is a delicate task. Viewer drop-off is common, and understanding the nuances of viewer engagement metrics is crucial to avoid this.

Engaging your audience is a fine art. At DEMG, we employ strategic storytelling and engagement techniques to keep your audience hooked from start to finish.

We analyze engagement metrics and tailor content to maximize viewer retention, ensuring your message hits the mark every time.

Distribution Challenges

A well-optimized sales funnel is the key to turning leads into loyal customers. Digital Evolution Marketing Group specializes in designing and fine-tuning sales funnels that guide prospects seamlessly through each stage of the buyer's journey.

We analyze user behavior, identify bottlenecks, and implement strategies to increase conversions, ensuring your sales funnel works efficiently and effectively.

Distributing your content effectively is as important as creating it. DEMG excels in distributing your videos across various platforms, maximizing reach and engagement.

We tailor our distribution strategies to each platform’s unique requirements, ensuring your content achieves optimal visibility.

Burnout and Overwhelm

Lastly, the sheer volume of tasks and decisions involved in video production can lead to burnout. Juggling this alongside other business responsibilities can be overwhelming, leading to decreased productivity and creativity.

Juggling video production with other business responsibilities can lead to burnout. By partnering with DEMG, you offload this burden.

We handle all aspects of video production and content creation, allowing you to maintain focus and energy on running your business without the stress of content creation.

Your Partner in Video Excellence

At Digital Evolution Marketing Group, we don’t just solve problems; we transform them into opportunities for growth and engagement.

By partnering with us, you unlock a world of hassle-free, professional, and impactful video content creation, tailored to propel your brand to new heights. Reach out to DEMG today and revolutionize your approach to digital content.




for small businesses and emerging thought leaders


  • Monthly Video Content Strategy Call

  • One (1) 30-minute Full Length Video per month

  • Two revisions per month

  • Twelve (12) 60-second "shorts" or reels

  • One (1) blog/show notes article created per month

  • One email for your database written

  • Ten (10) Static Social Media Posts Generated from content

  • Set up Google Analytics for SEO purposes

  • Monthly SEO Reports

  • Real Time Dashboard Stats (google Analytics, social media engagement, SEO rankings)

  • Captions generated for all videos

  • Posting your full length video to a YouTube Podcast

  • Posting audio file to Apple and Spotify podcasts



for established businesses

looking to grow


  • Monthly Video Content Strategy Call

  • Two (2) 30-minute Full Length Videos per month

  • Two revisions per video

  • Twenty (20) 60-second "shorts" or reels

  • Two (2) blogs/show notes article created per month

  • Two emails for your database written

  • Twenty (20) Static Social Media Posts Generated from content

  • Set up Google Analytics for SEO purposes

  • Monthly SEO Reports

  • Real Time Dashboard Stats (google Analytics, social media engagement, SEO rankings)

  • Captions generated for all videos

  • Social Media Post Scheduler (FB, IG, TikTok, LinkedIn, Twitter)

  • Blog Posting on your site

  • Custom Graphics for Blogs

  • Custom Intro/Outro appended to long form videos

  • Dedicated Account manager (weekly 30-minute check-in, content review, support)

  • Custom Email Designs (graphics and text in PNG and PDF files)

  • Posting your full length video to a YouTube Podcast

  • Posting audio file to Apple and Spotify podcasts



for executives, business owners, authors, coaches, and consultants


  • Monthly Video Content Strategy Call

  • Four (4) 30-minute Full Length Videos per month

  • Two revisions per video

  • Forty (40) 60-second "shorts" or reels

  • Four (4) blogs/show notes article created per month

  • Four emails for your database written

  • Forty (40) Static Social Media Posts Generated from content

  • Set up Google Analytics for SEO purposes

  • Monthly SEO Reports

  • Real Time Dashboard Stats (google Analytics, social media engagement, SEO rankings)

  • Captions generated for all videos

  • Social Media Post Scheduler (FB, IG, TikTok, LinkedIn, Twitter)

  • Blog Posting on your site

  • Custom Graphics for Blogs

  • Custom Intro/Outro appended to long form videos

  • Dedicated Account manager (weekly 30-minute check-in, content review, support)

  • Custom Email Designs (graphics and text in PNG and PDF files)

  • Dedicated Interviewer (zoom or similar)

  • Turn each full length video into a podcast for audio and video distribution

  • Send emails from your CRM on schedule with blogs and socials

  • Coordinate and schedule interviews with thought leaders for your podcast/ socials

  • Posting your full length video to a YouTube Podcast

  • Posting audio file to Apple and Spotify podcasts

Book a Call with Our Team Today!

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